SSX group activity and around the web

For those of you unaware, this week has seen the launch of several new SSX branded pages across the internet which now join our existing groups on both Steam & Facebook. These include a brand new Shattered Star Exiles YouTube channel, Google+ profile, Twitter account & Twitch page. Please feel free to make use of them, spread them around and if you would like to become one of our YouTube/Twitch content creators (or have any content ideas in general you'd like to share) please see this thread!

We will be adding all of these to the top of the main site & forums as soon as possible but for the time being here are the relevant links you'll need to find us on our other sites:

As this years arbiter vote draws to a close we look to focus on increasing our activity as a group going forward, provide content across our new sites (as mentioned above) and hopefully introducing lots of new folk to this wonderful place in the process.

As such we have several discussions going on right now over on the forums which we'd like to get peoples imput on. What are your feelings towards IRC & Voice Comms? Would you be interested in an SSX voice comms server?, do we make the switch from IRC to Skype or stick with IRC?. Also, if we're looking to start playing some new games together (those being either smaller co-operative & multiplayer experiences or full blown massively multiplayer games), which titles do you have your eye on? What would you like to see the SSX play together?

Join the discussions and let us know:

Finally, congratulations go to SL33PY who will win this years Arbiter vote later on this evening and continue on in the role until this time next year when we begin the process once again. He has already set the ball rolling going into his second year as Arbiter with the launch of these new sites and forum discussions so please get involved when you can, we'd appreciate your imput!

recent discussions

screenshot showcase